I'm Chris


I'm a passionate Web Designer and Developer based in the UK. I'm currently studying for my degree, but have already spent many years building Web Applications. You can take a look at my skills and find examples of my work below.

My Skills

I am capable of bulding Web Applications to the latest standards. I use HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript for front end development, whilst also utilising frameworks and libraries such as Bootstrap and jQuery.
I have knowledge of backend languages and am able to integrate dynamic functionality to your website by making use of languages such as PHP and MySQL.
I am able to make use of source control such as Git alongside Github, which makes development a breeze. I am also familiar with both Command Prompt and Terminal on Windows and Mac respectively.
I have experience in both Magento 1 & 2, specifically with frontend XML, template, styling and admin configuration.

My Work

Hover over each image for a description


LovePizza was the final project undertaken as part of my HND course, with the idea being to incorporate all the skills I had learnt into one project. LovePizza was inspired by a local company that does not offer an online delivery service and aimed to offer similar functionality to competitiors such as Dominos. The project incorporated the use of HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, PHP and a MySQL database, which made the site dynamic.


Orient was created for a small pottery business based in Wales and aimed to refresh the website with a sleek appearance. The project utilised WordPress and used a theme that was modified for the purposes of the business. It also included e-commerece functionality with the use of the WooCommerece plugin.


VGN was a personal project to expand my knowledge of PHP, whilst also making use of the Materialize framework, based on Google's material design philosophy. The site was essentially a news website for Gaming and Technology. The site features backend integration, with a small custom CMS which allows an editor to post and modify articles, whilst allowing users to make comments on articles.


ThrilleVille was a small project undertaken during my HND course, based on a themepark website. The idea was to design and develop a responsive themepark website that was suitable for children and adults accross desktop and mobile devices, with accessibility options available to change the size of text on the site. It made use of HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript and PHP.

Grumpy Mule

Grumpy Mule was a small project based on the Staffordshire University Coffee shop. It is a static site with basic functionality.

Erasmus Darwin Game

The Erasumus Darwin Game was completed for a local Museum and was a simple card matching game. It was created using Visual Basic, with the assets for the game being created by myself using various Adobe Packages.

Mobile App Design

The Mobile App Design was for a proposed rugby game which would involve the player attempting to score goals whilst overcoming obstacles. The design shown in the image was created using both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.